Canon Kodwo E. Ankrah and his wife Professor E. Maxine E Ankrah were asked by two successive archbishops – Erica Sabiiti in 1970, and Janani Luwum in 1974 – to come to Uganda to serve in the province of the church of Ugandain its planning and development needs.
He was a man of Ghanaian blood, born in Anomabu, a fishing village on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, of the stock of the Fanti tribe a subset of the Akan (from whom the first president Kwame Nkrumah came). Professor Maxine E Ankrah is of African American origin. She lectured many years at Makerere University and championed women and hiv aids issues, globally. They left their native countries and a high-flying career at the World Council of Churches in Geneva, a career that enabled them to rub shoulders with heads of state and government and greats such as ‘the Lion of Judah’ Emperor Haile Selassie. They came to Uganda at a most difficult time in its chequered history and made it their country of permanent residence.
Canon Kodwo Ankrah was a man who in 1972 got the highest honour of Sudan, the Order of the White Nile, and an offer of a good chunk of land to settle on, from the then president Jaafar Nimeiry in gratitude for spearheading the peace process between the Anyanya rebels (now South Sudan) and the government and facilitating the two sides to sign a peace accord. They have impacted the Church in Uganda for good.
He said… “God is not a man. He sees our hearts, not denominations. There is no White heart, no African heart. And we should treat each other as God would.
They then bought acres of land on Besaniya Hill and founded the Ankrah Foundation. The purpose? “Honouring God and empowering his people.
They had three children. Larc Tsetsiwa (deceased), Rodges Kweku, and Aba Tweba. Rodges, a specialist at the US Environmental Protection Agency in New York, is married with one child. Aba, a highly qualified lawyer, is head of a legal department in the director-general of WHO in Geneva and is married with two children. An adopted son, Boniface Ssimbwa, lives and works in the US.